Where do I even begin?! It has been well over a year since I have posted a blog. I know...I seemed to have gone M.I.A. Some people even thought I had stopped doing photography! {NEVER!!} In fact, the past year I have been so busy taking photos that I had ZERO time to blog. For those of you that know anything about blogging...know it can easily be a full time task. So why did I log in and decide to blog tonight? Well, lets start at the beginning.
A year ago I took on a new job as Lead Photographer at a fashion company. So between taking on that responsibility as well as my photography business, I completely stopped blogging. Was I still photographing babies, kids, families, weddings, etc etc? Yes. I rarely slept. Having two full time jobs became more than I could handle and it was time for me to choose which I wanted to do more. I didn't hesitate to answer. My business is my baby. I've spent the last five years building Rachel Robena Photography, and no way was I going to sacrifice my business...my passion. I love what I do...so I knew what needed to be done. So I quit my 9-5 corporate job as Lead Photographer...and now I'm doing my business FULL TIME. A true dream come true. Everything I have ever wanted. Giving up a steady paycheck? Terrifying to say the least. But this was a risk I was willing to take. So here I sit... three weeks after I packed up my desk and said goodbye to the corporate world. And let me say, I am so unbelievably happy. Everyday I wake up ready to do something to improve my business. I love being able to give my clients 110% of my attention.
My main focus right now is to get my blog up and running!{and of course book more shoots!} I can't wait to show you all the work I have done this past year that sadly has just been sitting on my hard drive. So here's to new adventures & always following your passion!
{the photograph below was taken in March of 2013. That face...those eyes. That baby made me laugh. I think he was terrified to be in that basket. But after a few minutes he actually tried to eat the basket hahaha}
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